Information for Parents and Campers

Download your packing list:

Camp Greenwood Lake

Canoe Camp

Coastal Camp

If you have any gear questions, please email us and we are always more than happy to give our advice based on years of experience with different brands at many price points. Our Director, Kasper, is a bit of a gear-head and loves talking gear. :)

Tips and advice for each camp

Backpacking - We have several notes and tips for our backpackers. We noticed that oftentimes one of the biggest challenges backpackers face is that their packs are too heavy, too little or too big, or not properly adjusted. We strongly recommend packing well in advance and even going for a day hike to test your carrying load and set up to allow for all the needed time for adjustments and fine-tuning. The other challenge that can arise, is from improper clothing for backpacking such as jeans or shoes that either are not meant for hiking or are new and have yet to be worn in. With all this being said, we plan these camps in such a way that the emphasis is on the camp aspect and not merely a backpacking trip. We try to make the days as easy as possible so that everyone may participate regardless of outdoor experience. It is always good to go double-check that your camper has packed all the items from our list, especially some of the smaller items that are easy to forget such as water bottles, bug spray, sunscreen, mess kits, etc.

Coastal Camp - Definitely do not forget the sunscreen and a good water bottle or two. Light and airy clothing helps too. While flying Kites on the beach, one may forget how strong the sun truly is. Being that this Camp is rather accessible via car, the focus when packing does not need to be ultralight per se as we will set up tents and basecamp once. Labeling common items that may get mixed up is also a great tip we've learned through the many years of camp. A beach towel or blanket is also a nice touch as it gives a nice surface to sit on in the hot sand. A personal recommendation is a small quick dry or face towel for when it’s hot out, to keep our faces dry.

Canoe Camp - We would suggest focusing on ensuring all clothing and gear are stored in a waterproof bag such as a dry bag or waterproof duffel. While canoe tipping is a rarity, some water gets in the canoes one way or another, often when loading or unloading the boats when we least expect an encounter with water. We may also face rain and oftentimes, dew. Another suggestion is to bring a warm layer as nights and evenings can get quite chilly and dewy and depending on the season also quite buggy. Packing light, without sacrificing the essentials is also key as we will be carrying everything with us in canoes and loading and unloading every day. 

Stationary Camps (such as Camp Greenwood Lake) - Our stationary camp is often the most relaxed in terms of necessary gear and packing. Because we only set up our base camp once, children will not need to think about the packability of things such as sleeping bags, sizes of pillows sleeping mats, etc. Our days are spent playing games, swimming, eating, singing, hearing stories, projects, and all sorts of fun activities. We remind everyone to pack what we have on the packing list in order to have the best time with us. Things that often get misplaced or used up are water bottles, sunscreen, bug spray, toiletries, and hats.


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