A camp for children ages 9 to 14 to fly kites, sing, play games, swim, craft, and cook meals in the wonder of the ocean, its beaches, and the maritime forests of the Delaware Atlantic shore.

We will pitch our base camp where the forest meets the beach in the maritime forest of Cape Henlopen.

We will play games, craft, explore the state park and miles of beach. We will also learn how to fly dual-line stunt kites. Once one can fly a stunt kite, a whole world of flying tricks and games opens up for you. And then there is the challenge of group synchronized flying!  



June 23 - July 1, 2025


15 Spots Left


15 Spots Left 〰️

Payment plans, sibling discounts, and financial aid are available.

No one who wants to attend is ever turned away for financial reasons.

What to Expect: A Day At Coastal Camp


As the sun rises, the staff gather in front of the campers’ tents, their voices carrying through the camp as they gently sing everyone awake, welcoming the day. As campers wake, Counselors guide campers through the morning routine — getting dressed, brushing their teeth, and greeting one another. We take a moment to stretch, breathe, and ease into the rhythm of a new day, allowing everyone to wake up at their own pace. Mornings are filled with excitement, but we start slow, giving campers the space to settle into themselves.

When breakfast is ready, we come together for a warm, nourishing meal. It’s a time for laughter, sharing stories from the previous night, and looking ahead to the adventures to come. During breakfast, we also hear the day's announcements — what to wear, what to bring, and what’s in store for the day, whether it’s swimming, kite flying, crafting, exploring the park, playing games, or visiting the nature center.

After breakfast, campers have a bit of free time before morning assembly. At the morning assembly, we gather as a whole camp to sing, listen to our ongoing morning story, and reflect on the theme. These moments create a familiar rhythm, marking the official beginning of the day before we set off for our first session of activities.

Morning adventures unfold based on the energy of the camp, the weather, and the needs of the group. Some campers may explore fire watch towers, while others swim, bike, play games in the shade, or create art at our base camp. Whether building sandcastles at the beach, hiking dunes, or collecting shells, there is always time to pause, cool off, and take in the beauty of the surroundings.

As the morning draws to a close, we return to our campsite for lunch, where stories of the morning’s adventures fill the air once again.

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People flying kites on a sandy beach with clear blue sky and dunes in the background.
Outdoor altar with candles, stones, and shells on tree stumps in a forest setting.
Three girls sitting at a picnic table with UNO cards and drinks, enjoying a outdoor setting.


Lunch brings the camp together once again from the time spent apart and we can hear of the many adventures while sharing food. After lunch, we transition into a quieter time of day. The afternoon sun is at its highest, so we remain in the shade of our camp for our rest/quiet time. This is a chance for everyone to pause — some may nap, while others choose to read, draw, or simply relax, often in a hammock. While not every camper may feel like having a moment to themselves, we find this period of stillness to be an important part of our daily rhythm. It allows everyone to recharge, ensuring that they have the energy to fully engage in afternoon activities with renewed focus and enthusiasm.

When rest time ends, we enjoy a refreshing snack and launch into the second session of activities. This might mean, playing games, flying more kites, crafting, biking, exploring one of the many beaches, or heading to the lifeguarded beach for a swim in the ocean. Later on, some campers may even help prepare for dinner. This is one of our favorite times of day — the hottest sun is behind us, the breeze picks up, and the energy of camp is high as we dive into the last big adventures of the day. We often like to do things as a camp at this time such as an all-camp swim or game in the field.

As the afternoon turns to evening, we begin winding down activities and returning to our base camp. There’s time for showers, free play, or quiet moments before we gather once more for dinner.

Children and an adult in costumes standing under a canopy in a forest setting. A handwritten sign is partially visible.
Boy standing next to a hammock in a forest campsite with a person inside, holding a book, surrounded by tents and trees.


Evenings at camp begin with our final shared meal of the day. We gather at our tables, sharing highlights from the day’s adventures and enjoying the slightly cooling air as the sun sets lower in the sky. It’s a time of reflection, connection, and looking ahead to what tomorrow will bring.

After dinner, the kitchen is cleaned, and campers have a little time to themselves before we transition into our evening assembly. While the morning assembly is lively and energizing, the evening assembly carries a quieter, more reverent tone. A camper is called up to our camp nature table and a candle is lit for each day that has passed, marking our time at camp. We sing our evening camp songs in rounds, listen to our ongoing camp story, sing some more, and close with a spoken verse, all set against the backdrop of the dimming sky. The colors are often quite scenic as the sun sets just over the treeline over the bay casting all sorts of colors over our camp.

After assembly, groups settle into their nighttime routines — filling water bottles, changing into sleeping clothes, performing tick checks, and winding down with bedtime stories. Some may sit by the fire a little longer, gazing at the colors of the fading sunset. As campers settle into their sleeping bags, staff remain nearby to debrief the day, ensuring everyone feels safe and at home.

Once the last campers have drifted to sleep, and the staff have concluded their meetings, a final walkthrough of camp ensures everything is in order before we, too, rest — ready to wake with the sun and do it all over again.

At camp, each day is a cycle of adventure and shared experience. The moments of joy, laughter, and connection create a community that stays with campers long after they leave. While the rhythm carries us in its steadiness, there are moments when it adapts— making space for special camp traditions like the adventure course, surprise activities, spontaneous adventures, counselor swaps, and much more.

Outdoor camping setup with various items like pots, pans, and bags hanging on a rope between trees.