Adventure Camps offer Waldorf-inspired sleep-away camps for children and teenagers that foster community, social connection, and personal growth while discovering respect and reverence for the natural world.  

At camp, we strive to be simple, real, and creative, which helps growing children understand that they are a part of the world. The camp community, from young to old, works together to the best of their abilities to care for each other through cooking, cleaning, conversation, story, and play. With the acknowledgment that we are all a part of the whole and all have something valuable and meaningful to contribute, we hope each year to listen and teach, to wonder and question, and to create through hard work an environment that feels safe, joyful and so much fun!

Hammock and packing gear hanging in trees

At the heart of our mission are not just activities or adventures, but the unique community we form each time we come together. The children who join us and the community we create together are the guiding principle of our camps. Our goal is to continue creating these intentional spaces where both individuality and community can shine.


The strong rhythm of the day and the beauty and power of the natural world that we are living in help build the children’s wonder and gratitude for the world. We draw from long-standing traditions that include beloved camp songs and assemblies every morning and night where an ongoing story is told to the whole camp. Coupled with tradition, we try to open every year to the new. Each year we teach each other new songs and create new games and activities out of our own initiative, and imagination. We strive to foster openness so that we can be awake to what is new and unique to every year, every camp, and every person who comes.


Camp History

Adventure Camps emerged in the summer of 2020, evolving from the established tradition of Camp Greenwood Lake and the Midwest camps of The Christian Community. This initiative was sparked by the desire for more localized, smaller-scale camps, a vision brought to life by a dedicated team of young adults. This marked an exciting progression and a new chapter in the camp's history.

The Christian Community has fostered a rich tradition of outdoor summer camps for over 50 years, spanning various regions including the West Coast in California, the East Coast in Pennsylvania and New York, the Midwest in Wisconsin, and even extending into Ontario, Canada.

This transformation, driven by the expertise of passionate outdoor enthusiasts and the energy of young adults, was partly in response to the challenges posed by the pandemic. Faced with the possibility of suspending camps, which hold immense value for countless children, a creative solution was sought. Thus, camps were reimagined to meet the needs and desires of our communities, making them more accessible and diverse in their offerings.

With these changes, a new identity naturally emerged, leading to the birth of Adventure Camps. While our name and organizational structure have changed, the spirit of our camps remains deeply rooted in over fifty years of cherished traditions, lively songs, engaging games, and a profound connection with nature and youth. Adventure Camps are proud to carry forward this legacy into a new era, building on a foundation of cherished experiences and community bonds.